Hi everyone,
For those of you who haven't heard I've been accepted into the JET program to teach English in Japan. I just found out recently that I'll be living and teaching in Fukui city which is located in Fukui prefecture (see image). It is generally considered a more traditional and conservative prefecture, rich in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Fukui city has a population of about 200,000. It's hot and very humid in the summer and gets lots of snow in the winter. I'll be an assistant language teacher meaning I'll be working with various Japanese English teachers. I'll mostly be working at a junior high, but once a week I'll teach at a high school, and once in a while I'll get to volunteer at an elementary school. I'll sign a contract for one year and can renew it for up to five years. My boyfriend Bryan is also teaching English in Fukui through JET and our apartments are only about a mile apart. Yay!
So I decided it was time to start a blog to keep you all updated on my experiences in Japan. I'll be in the Portland area until August 19th, so for those of you nearby I'd love to see you before I leave. For everyone else, come visit me in Japan!