The buckwheat fields are in bloom. The are so many fields along my train ride to school, that I look out the window into a sea of white. I came to Japan right as the rice was being harvested, and I meant to get a picture because the rice fields are also a sight to behold. Recently people have been burning the now barren plots, so it's common to see plumes of white smoke rising all around or be assaulted by the thick, smokey smell of burning vegetation.
Fukui is famous for making delicious soba noodles, and "soba" in Japanese means "buckwheat". They are also commonly sold in the U.S. and are full of protien. They are as easy to make as spegetthi and taste wonderful. In fact I remember a dish I used to make with just soba noodles, green beans and tofu. You cook the noodles and beans and cube the tofu then mix with a dressing made of soy sauce, lemon or lime juice, and seasame oil. You eat it cold, and it is delicious. You could easily substitute or add ingredients. So for those of you who haven't tried soba noodles, I recommend it.
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