This weekend at my junior high school there was a culture festival and a sports festival. I didn't have a camera with me for the cultural festival unfortunately, but it included performances by the students like singing, dancing, playing instruments, game show style competitions, and videos. It was fun, but boy was that gym hot.

Then on Sunday, camera in hand I was back for the sports day, which was unlike any sports day in the states. First there was an opening ceremony which included singing, flag raising, speeches, cheer performances, bowing, stretching and even a torch lighting.

Then the events began. The students were divided into 3 teams, red, yellow and blue and have been practicing hard for the last two weeks. I was assigned to support the red team, and even got my own red bandanna to wear.

This teacher has got some real team spirit.

Among my favorite events were:
the big pants relay

Pole tipping:
where two teams each have a pole with a flag on top and both try to steal the other team's flag. Only boys in this event, no shirts, no shoes.

Hopping bunny, which is based on this Japanese myth in which a rabbit wants to get from one island to another and persuades some crocodiles to let it hop on their backs in exchange for counting to see if the crocodiles are more numerous than the other creatures in the sea. When the crocodiles realize that the rabbit tricked them and had no intention of counting them, they bite off his fur. Girls only in this event.

Good 'ol fashioned chicken fighting, where each team tries to steal the other's hats.

The final scores: go red!
Here's a video of the red teams cheer performance
It was great fun. But I was glad to have monday off. No more 7 day work weeks please!
This friday the teachers are having a party to celebrate a successful festival and to welcome me to Japan!
I love the big pants relay! Awesome. Looks like a fun school. Hope all is going well.
I miss my knitting partner! :o)
Omg, you're having such a different experience from me, I can't believe it! And that's a freaking long cheer. I think you're going to come away with a lot more cultural knowledge than I did. That's pretty cool and it looks like fun! Love your documentation, glad you're doing a blog.
Love Uta
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